Family says girl injured in Britt Reid accident has permanent brain damage

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The 5-year-old girl who was hit by the Chiefs’ then assistant, Britt Reid, sustained permanent injuries, says her family.

Tom Porto, the lawyer who speaks on behalf of the 5-year-old Ariel Young family, said in Good Morning America that Young has made some progress in his recovery, but may never fully recover.

“She is awake, which is a big development,” said Porto about Ariel. “She probably has permanent brain damage that she will endure for the rest of her life. She is not walking – it is a sad, sad, sad story. “

Reid, the son of Chiefs’ head coach Andy Reid, admitted that he had drunk before the accident. Britt Reid’s record includes a previous conviction for drunk driving, and Porto said Reid should face criminal charges.

“We will defend the most serious charges and the most serious sentence that Britt Reid can receive,” said Porto.

A GoFundMe for Young raised more than $ 500,000.
