Facebook tells companies that it has no choice but to comply with the next App Tracking Transparency feature on iOS 14

Facebook continues to panic with the next privacy changes on iOS 14. The company sent a new email to companies today stating that it has no choice but to comply with the iOS 14. App tracking transparency feature. otherwise, Apple can remove Facebook completely from the App Store.

As first reported by I more, Facebook sent another round of e-mails to companies informing them that while it disagrees with the changes planned by Apple, it has no choice but to follow them. Facebook says that the App Tracking Transparency feature, which requires apps to obtain users’ consent before tracking them on other sites and apps, will have “overwhelming implications for targeting, optimizing and measuring campaign effectiveness.”

The company also claims to believe that “personalized ads and user privacy can coexist”, which is also an assertion by Apple. The two companies clearly have different versions of what constitutes “user privacy”.

Apple’s requirement that all apps on the App Store show a warning to iOS 14 users according to its AppTrackingTransparency structure will have far-reaching implications for targeting, optimizing and measuring campaign effectiveness for companies advertising on mobile devices and the web. Apple’s changes will benefit them, while harming the industry and the ability of companies of all sizes to market effectively and grow through personalized advertising. We believe that personalized ads and user privacy can coexist.

Also in the email, Facebook informs companies that it “has no choice” but to show the prompt seen at the beginning of this story. Otherwise, Facebook tells companies that it believes Apple can block Facebook and its other apps from the App Store completely.

Facebook told companies that, while disagreeing with Apple’s solution, it “has no choice” but to show the opt-in prompt and continue using Apple’s device identifier for advertising. The company says it believes Apple can block Facebook and its other App Store apps if it doesn’t comply, bringing “more damage to companies and users who depend on our services.”

Finally, Facebook says that if users choose to opt out of tracking, there may be a reduction in “ad effectiveness and measurement limitations”.

This is not the first time Facebook has warned companies of the potential impact of the new iOS 14 App Tracking Transparency feature. Last month, 9to5Mac reported that Facebook was warning users about the impacts on marketing efforts. Facebook also ran a full-page ad in American newspapers to criticize Apple’s changes.

The App Tracking Transparency feature will be released in early 2021. Apple originally expected to launch it with iOS 14 in September, but ended up delaying the feature to give developers more time to prepare.

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