FAA: No more warnings for undisciplined passengers on flights

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has said it will increase penalties for unruly passengers following several cases of political harassment at airports and aircraft on board in recent weeks.

The agency said it had seen “a worrying increase in incidents where airline passengers disrupted flights with threatening or violent behavior,” according to The Associated Press.

“These incidents resulted from both the refusal of passengers to wear masks and the recent violence at the United States Capitol,” added the FAA, announcing in an order from administrator Stephen Dickson that warnings would no longer be issued to passengers who committed undisciplined acts.

Instead, Dickson said, he highlighted fines of up to $ 35,000 and prison terms if passengers physically assaulted or verbally threatened airline crews or other travelers.

“First attack and you’re out. We congratulate FAA administrator Dickson for taking this clear position for our security, ”said Sara Nelson, head of the largest union of flight attendants, in a statement to the AP. “This will help to serve as a deterrent for unruly passengers who were violating aviation safety rules.”

In the past few weeks, several videos have emerged showing heated clashes between U.S. lawmakers and furious supporters of President TrumpDonald TrumpCotton: The Senate lacks the authority to hold an impeachment trial as soon as Trump leaves office Marjorie Taylor Greene says he will present impeachment articles against Biden ICE that the incumbent director resigns weeks after taking office MORE before or during outbound flights from Washington, DC

“Why are you not supporting President Trump?” a woman asked Sen. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyMichigan, Ohio Republicans explain votes for impeachment Trump House impeachment Trump for the second time – with some support from the Republican Party, McConnell says he is undecided on voting to condemn Trump MORE (R-Utah) during a clash at the Salt Lake airport last week. “You are a joke,” said another passenger. CNBC reported on Thursday that Delta banned passengers involved in the confrontation with Romney.

Rep. Lou CorreaJose (Lou) Luis CorreaFAA: No more warnings for undisciplined passengers on flights Criminalization that should never have been: Cannabis man arrested, accused of threatening to attack Muslims in Germany MORE (D-Calif.) He was also approached inside Dulles International Airport near Washington, DC at the end of last week, with more than a dozen Trump supporters shouting at him and saying “no one here voted for you”.

Thousands of Trump supporters traveled to Washington, DC last week for a “Stop the Steal” rally and march on the Capitol, which ended up deteriorating in widespread riots that left several people dead.

Scenes of uncooperative travelers refusing to comply with mask orders or social detachment measures designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus also occurred during the summer.

Earlier this week, the video of a man crying and screaming after being taken off a flight because he allegedly refused to wear a mask over his nose and his mouth went viral.

The new FAA policy will be in effect until March 30.
