Experts warn that Trump’s ‘big lie’ will outlast his presidency

So many lies led to the riot last Wednesday in Washington. Now, new lies are being spoken on the right web to defend the indefensible. And President Trump fans are desperately trying to bury the turmoil in the memory hole.

Speaking of memories, let’s go back in time. A week ago, on our “Trusted Sources” TV show, “On Tyranny” author Timothy Snyder warned that “now we are moving dangerously into the territory of a big lie.” He said that “the idea that Mr. Biden didn’t win the election is a big lie. It’s a big lie because you have to disbelieve all kinds of evidence to believe it. It’s a big lie because you have to believe in a big conspiracy lie to believe. And it’s a big lie because, if you believe it, it requires you to take a radical step. This is a way to really move towards authoritarianism and away from democracy. It’s coming to a head now. “

Wednesday was the peak – maybe. Each day, more evidence of the attack comes to light. Many more reports are still needed. I agree with Yashar Ali, who said on Sunday night: “I feel that we know only 5% of the history of the insurrection.”

But we also need to look ahead. As Jake Tapper said at the end of “SOTU” on Sunday: “Will there be any consequences? Will Kevin McCarthy remain the Republican leader of the House?” Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley “will only be allowed to take their committee assignments and try to move on? What about the President of the United States? He will be allowed to fly out of Washington on January 19 to spend his days feasting on the camp. golf, spreading more lies on the TV networks that were also part of this betrayal? ”

Tapper concluded: “What happens to us? What will happen to our country if we continue to pretend that the leaders who played a role in this coup attempt, in this terrorist attack, end up doing very well without any consequences? Will it be, January 6, 2021 be remembered just like the beginning? “

Was Wednesday the peak or just the beginning?

That’s what brings me back to Snyder, whose book shot back to # 1 on Amazon. He wrote next week’s New York Times Magazine cover story, and it’s already online. The story is another warning and inspired the headline in tonight’s newsletter.

“The lie lasts longer than the liar,” wrote Snyder. “The idea that Germany lost World War I in 1918 because of a Jewish ‘stab in the back’ was 15 years old when Hitler came to power. How will Trump’s myth about victimization work in American life 15 years from now? And for whom to benefit? “

He concluded that “America will not survive the big lie just because a liar is separated from power. Careful repluralization of the media and a commitment to the facts as a public good will be necessary.” Read…

Trump will be impeached unless …

At the moment, the headline says the House “will move the impeachment quickly if the momentum for the 25th Amendment fails.”

“It will be the first time that an American president will have a second impeachment,” Wolf Blitzer said on Sunday night.

→ General picture: more than 104 hours have passed since Trump incited a riot in the Capitol. And he is still in office.
