Everyone wants the new Dead by Daylight killer to step on them

Dead by daylight has a varied cast, from a bounty hunter from the wild old west to a Japanese student transformed into a tormented spirit. No one is exactly like the new killer in the game, however. Trickster is a sexy K-pop star who loves murder more than music, and looks like he’s ready to act. Unlike the other monsters in the horror game, he is not covered in dirt, wearing a mask or with many scars. Visually, it is a great breath of fresh air – and its design already has fans wanting more.

The Trickster is not the first Dead by daylight Killer to get a fan base of fans who adore him. The Legion and Ghostface are both very popular killers and have inspired fan fiction and fan art from players who like to imagine their lives outside the competitive 4v1 game. Trickster is in a category of its own, however – it has already made a big impact and hasn’t even been officially released yet.

“I love the Trickster because the first time he winked at me I knew he could [murder] I and I would thank him for that, ”says CollapsingStar, a former Dead by daylight fan who spoke to Polygon via Twitter. “I usually play survivor, but I definitely think he’s my favorite killer now!”

Not everyone is a big fan of the Trickster; he’s a bit of a polarizing character. Some players compared him to Jared Leto’s Joker, and others think he seems totally out of place among the rest of the Killers. After all, he is joining a gang full of people who wear burlap, stained sweatshirts and horrible masks.

A fan named Sunny, who created the art above, was at Dead by daylight community for over three years. She is also a TikTok content creator who focuses on horror fans. “We saw the designs of general killers for DbD”, She wrote to Polygon through Twitter messages. “Opaque colors, all shabby, dirty, a lot. Even human killers appear to be inhuman. “

The Trickster, on the other hand, is absolutely stylish. Sure, he has a little blood, but that’s okay. This is OK! It is this contrast to the rest of the cast that makes it so satisfying for many fans. “He is unique and daring and I love it. Something about the bright colors and the cleaner appearance just makes it a very pleasant attraction, ”said Sunny.

He’s very unique, but it doesn’t matter that he’s really, well, “a handsome boy”.

The Trickster’s tradition makes it clear that he belongs absolutely to all the cannibals and serial killers who hang around. Dead by daylight. He left his original bandmates to die in a fire … which could not be proved a criminal, but it is not yet great behavior. Then, he started killing people and mixing his music with his screams. It is not good! Once he had his creative control cut off, he went ahead and killed all of his producers, except one – she is the new Survivor in the game.

For Dead by daylight fans, the Trickster being a terrible person is part of the fun. It’s great to think that he’s being despised by the rest of the game’s Killers, or to ponder his relationship with his producers. It’s a fun, big-time horror with an innovative twist, and it’s enough to make fans’ imaginations speed up.
