Eugene Goodman: Pence tried to contact the Capitol policeman who took the protesters from the Senate chambers to thank

Goodman was hailed as a hero after a video appeared of him guiding the violent crowd out of the Senate chamber, where Pence was conducting the ceremonial count of 2020 electoral votes on January 6. The source told CNN that Pence will make some final calls Monday and is “hopeful” that they will connect.
Pence’s publicity attempt is just the latest example of the vice president taking on more of the commander-in-chief role to the public, while President Donald Trump is hiding in the White House, silenced on social media and refusing to speak. with the man who beat him or abandoned the unfounded electoral conspiracies that helped incite the rebels. Pence, on the other hand, called Vice President-elect Kamala Harris last week and visited members of the National Guard who guard the Capitol.

Many in Pence’s orbit remain furious at the way Trump behaved on the day of the insurrection attempt, which led rioters within seconds after meeting Pence and members of his family in the corridors outside the Senate chamber.

Images of the January 6 uprising captured by Huffington Post reporter Igor Bobic show Goodman being chased down the Capitol stairs by a crowd of rebels shortly after they invaded. When he reached a landing, he looked to the left, where he realized the door to the Senate chambers was still unprotected. He then led the protesters to the right, away from lawmakers and toward support officers.

Senate chambers would not be safe until a minute later, according to CNN’s timeline of riot events.
As a result, a bipartisan trio of lawmakers wants to recognize Goodman with a Congressional gold medal for potentially saving lives.

Democratic representatives Charlie Crist of Florida and Emanuel Cleaver II of Missouri and Republican Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina introduced legislation last week to award Goodman the medal, reserved for Americans who have made “remarkable achievements and contributions” to their country .

“By successfully putting his own life at risk, leading the rebels alone away from the Senate House floor, Officer Eugene Goodman fulfilled his duty to protect Congress with distinction and, for his actions, Officer Goodman left a mark indelible in American history “, says the legislation.
