Essential workers are no longer a priority when launching the COVID vaccine. Some fear they are ‘expendable’.

The move to an age-based distribution of COVID-19 apparently left essential workers not covered by California’s initial high and dry deployment phase.

California’s new plan, Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Monday, aims to simplify the complicated vaccine distribution process in the state – and ensure that several state counties follow a cohesive distribution plan for a limited number of vaccines.

The state will continue to vaccinate essential workers who are currently covered as part of Phases 1a and 1b of the first level, such as health workers, teachers and food and grocery workers – but immunization for other essential workers may be delayed.

This includes workers in transportation, manufacturing and industrial services, among other essential workers.

This can also impair the likelihood of incarcerated and homeless people getting the vaccine.

The proposal was condemned by some unions.

Service Employees International Union California, which represents health workers, civil servants, social workers and caretakers, among other groups, has strongly criticized the shift in priority based on occupation.

“Millions of Californian workers, most of them people of color, have no choice but to leave their homes and work every day, exposing themselves, their families and their communities to COVID-19 and its devastation,” said the president of the union Bob Schnoover in a statement.

“California classified these workers as essential when the state wanted their services during the pandemic; if they are removed from the vaccination priority list, the state is now saying that they are expendable. “

Part of the public health justification for the change, Sacramento Bee reported, is that inoculating older populations – which have the highest mortality rates and severe cases of COVID-19 of any group – can lead to fewer hospitalizations and increased capacity to ICU for the general population.

California continues to rank low in the country for distribution, currently 45th in the percentage of doses used, according to Bloomberg’s COVID-19 vaccine tracker.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
