ESAM shares its Min Min comparison chart, and we can see why she is becoming one of the most hated characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In a game with 80 characters in its cast, the one who loses only to 10 others is an absolute beast. According PG | ESAM, this is Min-Min’s current status in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

The community figure recently released a comparison chart for the ARMS guest, and if he is correct in his analysis here, Min Min is an uphill battle for the vast majority of Ultimate characters.

The long-range fighter gets to the point with just five characters and then has the advantage over a huge list of 63 members beyond. Nine of those matches, many of Ultimate’s biggest avatars, will lose to Min Min more than 60% of the time according to the graph.

The time to put this particular figure under the microscope is appropriate, as Min Min is getting a good deal of attention now, especially in Japan. We recently published a story about his rapid rise to become the most hated character on the Japanese Smash scene , as its relatively simple “0-to-death” sequence and strong abilities to control the fighting space are becoming major annoyances.

Although we only have the image at this point, ESAM notes in his tweet that more detailed explanations for his choices will be on his YouTube channel in the next week or so.

Check the complete correspondence graph simply by clicking on the thumbnail below. Move on to the comments after you’re done and tell us if and why you disagree with any of these choices.

ESAM Min Min Matchups image # 1

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