Erick Rowan posts emotional message about Brodie Lee’s death

Former WWE superstar Erick Rowan took to Instagram to post a poignant message about Brodie Lee, who died yesterday of a lung problem unrelated to COVID-19.

Rowan wrote: “Heartbroken and numb. Just when I think my eyes have dried up, I think of you and start to cry again. I lost not only a friend, but a brother! I fought last night with lots of emotions and memories. Jon he wanted to say more to me than he will ever know. I clearly remember all the laps we had during our years on the road together. He was always looking forward to returning to his family. After each lap, he said to me: ‘Goodbye to always’, because he would like his 1 or two days with them to seem forever. One thing he taught me through his own actions was to be a better father and husband. He was unique in everything he did, great interpreter, great father, great husband, great friend and an incredible human. My heart goes out to everyone who has been touched by his greatness. My deepest condolences to his family. Jon is not ‘goodbye forever’, but goodbye for now! see on the other side, my brother. I LOVE YOU! “

Lee, then known as Luke Harper, stayed with Rowan for most of his WWE career. The two started working together as members of the Wyatt Family on NXT and eventually won the tag team gold as the Bludgeon Brothers in WrestleMania 34.

You can see Rowan’s post below. For more reactions from the wrestling industry, click here:
