Episode 6 of ‘WandaVision’ with reference to the origins of The Twins comic

WandaVision Episode 6 revisited the “sitcom” aspect much more after the last two episodes took viewers back to the real world. And with that, a new character came on the scene, and the twins of Wanda and Vision also took a little more center stage. With what, its origin in comics was also referenced. [Spoiler alert: Spoilers ahead for WandaVision].

Evan Peters’ Pietro did a lot of damage in Westview

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in episode 6 of 'WandaVision', Halloween episode
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in ‘WandaVision’ Episode 6, Halloween episode | Marvel / Disney

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Episode 5 ended in a moment of anguish; Pietro Maximoff was back, however, he was not played by the same actor from Avengers: Age of Ultron, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Instead, it was Evan Peters in the role, who played Quicksilver, aka Peter Maximoff, in Fox’s latest film. X-Men films.

So in WandaVisionEpisode 6, Pietro de Peters is this sloppy and loving uncle who incites children and causes a little confusion in the house. The decade for this episode is the 90s, although the only real indicators are the video camera Billy is filming on. This is mainly due to the fact that it is the Halloween episode and no one can really be in “period” costumes by itself.

Regardless, this “new” Pietro is a “son of a man,” as Billy calls him, and Vision is certainly not very convinced of him. He’s definitely acting a lot like the X-Men version of Quicksilver, although a little more immature. He is really Pietro de Wanda de Sokovia, only in X-men: Days of a forgotten future Peter Maximoff’s body? Or is this how it is being introduced to Wanda, but is this Pietro really something else in disguise?

He mentioned the origin of the Tommy and Billy comics in Mephisto, also known as ‘Satan’

Whoever it is, he made a very interesting reference to the twins, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by fans.

While Wanda, Pietro and the twins are all together, and the Vision is looking for answers, Pietro calls out to Tommy and Billy: “Unleash hell, generation of demon”. He is playing with them while they are picking up sweets and, as viewers can see a few minutes later, causing more confusion for his neighbors.

However, it is a direct reference to Wanda using a part of Mephisto’s soul to create Tommy and Billy with his magic in the comics. Mephisto is an extra-dimensional demon, often referred to as “Satan” and looks like a huge demon. He rules a hellish kingdom and everything related to hell goes with it.

“God, everything on this show is goal at a level that I don’t think I’ve seen on a television show before and I love it,” wrote a fan on Reddit about the reference. “It’s as if Deadpool had written the script just for f * ck with our reality.”

There was also a small Blast off reference too, in which Peters played Todd Haynes and, in fact, Taylor-Johnson played the title role of Dave Lizewski / Kick-Ass

“It was like they were creating their own references,” said a fan of that particular reference, when Wanda said the word.

There’s still a lot that fans don’t know

Paul Bettany, Evan Peters and Olsen in episode 6 of 'WandaVision'
Paul Bettany, Evan Peters and Olsen in episode 6 of ‘WandaVision’ | Marvel / Disney +

When Pietro said that line about “demon generation”, it didn’t seem to elicit any kind of response from Wanda, and fans still haven’t heard if that was how she raised her twins in this version. Marvel’s cinematic universe always uses its comic book material, but it also twists and turns it to work in its own MCU mode. Also, if Wanda used Mephisto’s soul, she may not know it yet.

It is quite possible that the Wanda twins are not part of the essence of Mephisto. But whatever happens, it is a good reference to comics. And again, Pietro’s real identity and his role in Wanda’s reality are unknown. She tries to test him, and he doesn’t fall for it. But he is also much more interested in her control of Westview than others, asking how she hid the children. Which raises more questions about what he knows and who he really is.

Agnes also confused fans in this episode, looking like she was under Wanda’s control. However, this can also be a ploy, considering that she was very aware of Wanda’s control before. Say what you want about WandaVision, but don’t say it won’t keep you guessing.

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