Elon Musk gives Cyberpunk 2077 another chance on Twitter

Tesla’s founder and CEO, Elon Musk, accessed Twitter to trick CD Projekt Red into Cyberpunk 2077’s continuing technical problems, even after a recent bug fix.

The issues surrounding Cyberpunk 2077The latest release and hotfix certainly caused problems for many fans, including Elon Musk. Musk, who is no stranger to the controversy, had already cheated on CD Projekt Red when he tweeted about problems with Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 and Xbox One. At the time, Musk responded with a screenshot of a post on Reddit, expressing some of the fan base’s frustrations after the game’s launch. Now, he’s aiming for the ensuing confusion Cyperpunk 2077update 1.1 of the.

The most recently Cyberpunk 2077 update was made to crush some of the most common problems that plagued the game after launch. Specifically, CD Projekt Red was looking to improve stability, including game crashes related to loading saved files. The patch also made improvements in the use of memory and character AI. Finally, Patch 1.1 targeted some of the most game-breaking bugs, including the user interface and mission issues that fans are begging to fix. However, while Patch 1.1 has resolved many of these problems and bugs, it has unfortunately also introduced new ones to the frustrations of its players.

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Log in Elon Musk, who accessed Twitter to once again book the CD Projekt Red and the Cyberpunk 2077 team one more time. In response to hotfix 1.11, which followed Patch 1.1, Musk said “With Cyberpunk, even hotfixes literally have hotfixes, but … great game. “Many Cyberpunk fans heard his tweet’s responses to express similar frustrations or increase his trolling.

Even though the last part of Musk’s tweet may seem more like an indirect blow to the game, it’s actually probably sincere. At the time Musk was exploring the CD Projekt Red for the first time after the game’s release, a Twitter user asked Musk if he was a fan of the game. Musk replied that he had a chance to play briefly, but the game looked “very good”. In fact, Musk recently revealed that his company’s Tesla Plaid Model S has an arcade feature that allows fans to play games like Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher III in your car. A self-styled video game fan, Musk’s repeated interaction with CD Projekt Red also raised the possibility that he was the next celebrity to appear on Cyberpunk 2077 in a future DLC.

Regardless of whether it’s a friendly joke or the frustrations of your wealthiest customer, CD Projekt Red clearly still has a long way to go to improve the experience for you. Cyberpunk 2077 players. The game’s initial praise at launch was marred by all technical problems, as players were concerned about the potential of the game that it might have been. And subsequent revelations about the game’s problematic development only fueled fans ’frustration with the unrealized potential of Cyberpunk 2077.

Next: Cyberpunk 2077: The best hidden missions that every player needs to complete

Cyberpunk 2077 is now available on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X platforms | S.

Source: Elon Musk / Twitter

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