Ellen DeGeneres says COVID-19 includes symptoms of back pain, fatigue

  • Ellen Degeneres, 62, spoke about her experience with COVID-19.
  • She tested positive for coronavirus for the first time in December and returned to her talk show on January 12.
  • “ANDpainful back pain and extreme fatigue were its main symptoms.

    On January 12, Ellen DeGeneres returned to the program for the first time since her COVID-19 diagnosis in December. She started the segment by sharing a little bit about her experience with the coronavirus, including the moment she found out that her test was positive.

    “The strange thing is, I don’t know where I got it,” she said. “I was getting ready to record the show … and it was in my hair and makeup, putting powder on my face and putting on my extensions,” she joked. “And then my assistant Craig came in and said, ‘You tested positive for COVID’, and then everyone around me ran away.”

    Ellen said she left the studio immediately and started quarantining her home, where she slept in a room other than that of his wife, Portia de Rossi. In the days that followed, she began to show symptoms. “For the first three days, I slept 16 hours a day and, on the fourth day, I woke up with spasms in my back,” she said. “I thought I had strained a muscle or slept strangely because I was in a different bed, but it just persisted.”

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    Ellen previously talked about her back pain due to COVID-19 in a tweet after your diagnosis. “One thing they don’t say is that you have, in some way, an unbearable back pain,” she said, adding that she “didn’t know” that back pain could be a symptom of COVID-19.

    Like other respiratory diseases, COVID-19 can cause muscle pain, including back pain. “Similar to having the flu, COVID-19 can cause widespread pain throughout the body,” due to the inflammatory response to the virus, Marcus Duda, MD, orthopedic surgeon said earlier Prevention.

    Ellen said her doctors had prescribed her painkillers, but she found no relief. “Painkillers didn’t help, my back got worse,” she said. “I felt like I had a rib broken. Do you know how I make you laugh so hard that your ribs hurt? It was like that for me. Now I know how you feel when I make you laugh. ”

    But she felt better after taking steroids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. “I’m fine now, it’s all clear,” said Ellen. “I want to thank everyone who offered me kind words of support. I wish I had embraced each one of you. ”

    She also sent her love and support to all people affected by the pandemic. “I know that many people are struggling with this disease now,” she said. “My heart is with them all.”

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