Elder Scrolls Online: Gates of Oblivion is much more than a TES4 MMO

Elder Scrolls Online: Gates of Oblivion is the follow-up to last year’s Dark Heart of Skyrim adventure, with the massive Blackwood expansion taking center stage in June with 30 hours of new story content, a new zone, the Companion system and loads More. And despite the fact that its name refers to a beloved game, Gates of Oblivion is much more than a massive multiplayer version of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

Creative director Rich Lambert, himself a producer on The Elder Scrolls 4, joined me in a video call to talk about everything that will happen on Elder Scrolls Online this year. As you might expect, you’ll be able to explore some familiar locations as they were 800 years before the events of Oblivion, but Lambert describes most of the new content as ZeniMax’s “own view of things”. There is also a greater focus on the infernal dominance of the forgetfulness villain Mehrunes Dagon, the Deadlands, and we will still explore a reinvented version of the city of Gideon, which has not appeared in a game for 27 years.

Elder Scrolls Online

(Image credit: ZeniMax Online Studios)

“It’s not going to be a face to face,” says Lambert. “Mehrunes Dagon is still trying to discover the science behind the Gates of Oblivion … But there will be familiar overtones. So Leyawiin is the capital. And then, Leyawiin still has almost the same shape, the same size as it is in our time. “
