EA’s acquisition of Codemasters is officially completed

EA’s acquisition of Codemasters is officially complete, as the racing game giant formally joined the publisher and brought several racing game series with it in a deal valued at $ 1.2 billion. To celebrate, EA tweeted the following message that welcomed the company into its ranks:

“This is the beginning of an exciting new era for games and racing content as we bring together the talented teams from Electronic Arts and Codemasters,” said Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson in a press release. “Our teams will be a global powerhouse in racing entertainment, with incredible games for players on all platforms, and we can’t wait to get started.”

“Today is a milestone in the history of Codemasters and an exciting day for our employees and players,” said Codemasters CEO Frank Sagnier. “The partnership with EA will allow our teams to take our acclaimed franchises to new heights and reach a large global audience through their network of players. Together, we can redefine the racing game landscape to create even more engaging experiences for fans. racing around the world. “

Codemasters went on sale in November, when Take-Two Interactive originally approached the British company with a $ 994 million purchase offer. EA took the lead with a much more profitable offering, for which the vast majority of Codemasters shareholders voted in favor.

With the approval of competition law approval formalities, EA is positioned to be the biggest name in racing games. In addition to Need for Speed ​​and Burnout, the publisher also has access to racing franchises such as Dirt, Grid and the annual F1 series. Codemasters also recently secured the rights to the FIA ​​World Rally Championship (WRC) and acquired Slightly Mad Studios, the developer behind Project Cars and Fast & Furious Crossroads.

This acquisition also means that Codemasters games will benefit from EA’s experience in creating live service titles and the company’s extensive resources in creating the next generation of racing games.

As for the Need for Speed ​​series, developed by EA, development is back in the hands of the developer of Burnout Criterion Games, while Ghost Games will become EA Gothenburg once again.

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