Dril is making a video game just for ‘real and brave’ gamers

There are celebrities, influencers and Dril. And now, he’s doing the “next big classic in the game”.

If you’ve spent a lot of time on the weird side of Twitter, you’re probably intimately familiar with Jack Nicholson’s heavily pixelated avatar in sunglasses. You and your Twitter friends with brain poisoning have probably rated your favorite Dril tweets at some point. If not, I’m jealous of you and, in a nutshell, Dril is Twitter’s top shit postulator. See: Annex A.

It seems that after writing two books, “Mr. Ten Years Annivesary’s Official Dril Collection” and “Get Rich and Become God,” Dril turned his creative attention to another medium. “The corona virus pandemic has fucked us all,” says Seu Patreon. “Being locked up at home and / or unemployed for almost a year, however, offered me the opportunity to develop the basis for a complete 2D action / adventure game that I believe will be very good.”

Supposedly, the game’s premise is to follow the “search for a silent protagonist” who uncovers the secret of immortality and then navigate a “dangerous future where Hollywood’s leading influencers and corrupt guys maintain cruel control over society “. According to Dril’s Twitter, the game is for “real and courageous players”. You can take a look at the beta version of the game in this YouTube trailer.

So far, the project appears to be a one-man show, and Dril estimates that he could probably end the game “sometime before the mid-2020s”. Dril is currently funding the project through Patreon, and if he reaches the $ 5,000 target, he promises to “make the game good”. If he reaches $ 10,000, Dril promises to “make the game very good”.

So far, Dril has raised $ 1,937.43. Considering that Dril announced the game on his Twitter just four hours ago, this is quite impressive.
