Dream doxxed after posting pictures of his kitchen after the neck was revealed

Dream, one of Minecraft’s most popular YouTuber, had his privacy invaded after fans managed to find out the location of his residence from photos he posted to his alternate account.

The revelation of Dream’s face is set for the date, having been triggered in MrBeast’s rewind promotion, which indicates that he is not yet ready to show himself to fans.

After he rose to YouTube stardom in 2020, behind his Minecraft content it was only a matter of time before he received a flurry of fans. Some fans were too obsessed with him, which made them discover the location of his home.

From the photos he posted on his second account, fans posted them on Zillow to find out where he lived, which led them to eventually dox the YouTube star.

For those who do not know Zillow, it is an online real estate market.

These photos were able to reveal the location, which explains how far the technology has advanced and a huge potential for breach of privacy.

Dream was able to remove anything that could present your personal information from the Internet. So far, nothing is on the Internet that could leak any information.

This is an example for all Internet personalities who like to keep certain things to themselves, as a hint of carelessness can end up making their own fans go crazy.

Read also | The Minecraft Speedrunning team rejects Dream’s rebuttal to abnormalities in its 1.16 record
