‘Drag Race’ Recap: Season 13, Episode 2 – [Spoiler] Back to the game

The bags may have been tiny in Friday’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, but the twists were big. And they were plentiful.

After the change in the 13th season premiere last week, TVLine readers wanted Kahmora Hall, Elliott With 2 Ts or Utica Queen to become the official 13th season Pork Chop. And the program was more than happy to fulfill your wish … with a great catch.

Friday’s episode started with the seven queens who lost their lip sync battles – Kahmora, Elliott, Utica, Joey Jay, Rosé, Tanisha Iman and Denali – voting to send a girl home to save themselves. Joey summed it up perfectly: “This is f – ed!”

While most queens expressed dissatisfaction with this curved ball (“We can’t vote! We haven’t even met yet!”), Rosé had a slightly more sensible reaction, recognizing that the decision would have to be made based on her first impressions. from the other. Joey and Utica tied with a majority of the votes, forcing Ru to institute a “tiebreak vote”, with each queen voting only for Joey or Utica.

“I’m just fearing the worst,” confessed Utica, although his fears turned out to be unjustified, as Elliott was eventually sent away. “It was a lovely 15 minutes with all of you,” Elliott told the group as he left. “I was sent home for something that had nothing to say. This sucks. I am 100 percent desolate. “

But then, another twist! Last week’s winners gathered in the werkroom for their first offline meeting with Mama Ru, only to receive some shocking news. The queens would be accompanied by “someone I don’t think had a fair chance last week,” Ru told them. “And it is someone I think will fit well.” Come in… Elliott ?!

Tina Burner was understandably confused (“I sent that bitch away! Why is she back?”), But as Ru explained, her decision was made in the spirit of teaching her younger children an important lesson: “No matter what happen here, out there or online, don’t let anyone make you feel like a loser. “

After receiving orders for this week’s mini-challenge – a parade with a “female daytime look” and a “vampire night look that says, ‘I’m a whore!'” – the queens prepared to roll, already with flaring tensions between Elliott and Kandy Muse. The drama started when Elliott asked Kandy if she was worried that being a member of a famous drag family – she is Aja’s daughter and Dahlia Sin’s sister – could end up being a curse that would take her home sooner. The question seemed a little unplanned (we have to call it as we see it!), But Kandy’s furious reaction was real.

Mini challenge time! Gottmik kicked off with a tight latex dress decorated to remember a sunny day (one of our favorite looks of the night!), Then switched things up with a set befitting a “scary seducer”. She completed the look with a folder of good taste, explaining that she likes to expose her chest now that she had the top surgery. Then Kandy rocked with a flowing red and gold look to prove that “a big girl can be in fashion”. Unfortunately, the judges were considerably less impressed by his second look, which was basically a demon costume with a hole where the tail was supposed to go.

LaLa Ri opted for a “Southern belle” motif in a simple dress, an experience that was only memorable because she stuck her heels in and almost fell over. For her second look, LaLa opted for “leather, not leather. A dog cannot pay. But I’m still serving like leather! ”Then Olivia Lux transitioned from a“ lavender costume ”during the day to a shiny burgundy number to“ an evening at the opera ”.

Symone increased the fun in a striped suit inspired by the 90s, complete with a surprise cover, followed by a look that was part of the mother goddessMatrix. (“The bitch is here!”) Next, Tina lived out her Carrie Bradshaw costume, before squeezing herself into a sexy latex look. (“My boots cost up to my waist!”) And then there was Elliott, who kept his daytime appearance red and tight, before taking us to a “gentlemen’s club on fetish night”.

With that double track behind them, the queens went on to this week’s main challenge: a group performance – complete with solo verses of their own making – of RuPaul’s “Condragulations”. The rehearsal process was relatively smooth, but when it came time for Gottmik to practice his role, she explained, “My gender dysphoria has dominated my soul.” She had hoped to discuss her transgender journey with the other queens in the right setting, but now here she was singing about it as part of a large group. Fortunately, she was able to open up to some of her 13th season sisters later in the episode, receiving a lot of love and encouragement. (For the record, Gottmik uses the pronouns “she / she” while dragging and “he / she” when dragging.)

This week’s catwalk (“Lamé, You Stay!”) Showed Gottmik hugging his inner sea dragon, Kandy giving us an “Austin Powers fembot moment” in a furry sweater, LaLa looking like a limited edition “Willy Wonka” chocolate bar, channeling Olivia a “water lily goddess”, Symone getting ready to fight someone in a trendy boxing outfit, Tina serving the reality of Tin Man and Elliott living out her “rhinestone breast costume”.

After announcing Olivia and Symone as the first two queens, Ru fell still another twist: “This week, there are no funds. At most … with the exception of the panel of judges, of course. ”That meant no one he was going home, and that Olivia and Symone would be voicing a $ 5,000 cash tip. And from the moment that Dua Lipa’s “Break My Heart” started playing, the battle was in. Condragulations, Symone!

What do you think of Elliott’s return to the competition? Leave a comment with your opinion about the 13th season below.
