Dr. Pimple Popper Pops “Toothpaste” Whitehead and Blackhead Back

  • Dr. Sandra Lee, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, shared two incredible new videos to celebrate the end of the week.
  • In them, it addresses blackheads and pimples.
  • When you put a pimple on the patient’s ear, the pus comes out “like toothpaste”.

    Happy Friday, addicts! Dr. Sandra Lee, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, did not share one, but two new poptastic videos to celebrate the weekend. In them, it addresses blackheads and pimples, the most common type of acne on everyone’s face … and on the back, chest, arms and ears.

    “I’m wearing the wrong size gloves here,” says Dr. Lee at the beginning of the blackhead video, where she pokes a giant blackhead on the patient’s back. The patient appears to be an older woman who visited the office with her husband, who appears to be no stranger to popping her blackheads.

    “God, talk about a big problem!” your husband says.

    “If you don’t remove everything, it will come back again,” says the patient.

    “Exactly, you know what we’re talking about,” says Dr. Lee.

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    In the whitehead video, she sticks a big whitehead in the ear of an older man, but it doesn’t pop right away. Instead, it starts to bleed, which, in a subtitle, says Dr. Lee, is because the patient takes anticoagulants. Then, after she pinches the spine, the pus comes out as toothpaste. “I was ready to get my hunting knife …” says the man, “but I couldn’t see it! Nancy wouldn’t do that …”

    “Oh, wouldn’t she go?” Dr. Lee asks. (This man is a longtime patient of hers, and she said that they tease each other often.)

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    The big difference between blackheads and whiteheads is, in fact, their appearance. Both blackheads and pimples are caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum, also known as oil produced by the sebaceous gland in each cell. When these dead cells and oil accumulate, they form a small plug called a comedone. When the comedo is exposed and the skin is open, it is a blackhead (it also looks darker). When the skin is closed over the comedone, and it is just a small bump, it is a pimple.

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