Dozens of songbirds are dying across the bay area. Your bird feeder may be the reason.

For birdwatching enthusiasts and amateur naturalists across the Bay Area, backyard feeders provided a sense of comfort and a much-needed connection to the outdoors, especially in the midst of pandemic isolation.

But the California Department of Fisheries and Wildlife is urging residents to take them down as quickly as possible – the lives of finches and other bird species depend on it.

Since mid-November, dozens of songbirds have died as a result of salmonellosis, an intestinal disease that is quickly transmitted when they gather in bird feeders or bathtubs. The CDFW said that the bird rescue centers in the San Francisco Bay, Central Coast and Sierra Nevada area were “flooded with calls” from residents who discovered an increasing number of sick or dead birds in their feeders; in particular, the siskin pinheiro, a migratory finch with a frantic and chatty callout and mottled brown and yellow plumage.

Birds are infected when they consume food or water shared with other avian species that already have the disease, or when they come into contact with objects such as feeders, perches or soil contaminated with the feces of an infected bird. As more birds gather in a single area, the risk of contracting the disease increases dramatically.

“When a large number of young pine trees gather, the disease can spread quickly, causing high mortality. Most birds die within 24 hours of infection, ”said Krysta Rogers, an avian disease specialist at CDFW.

Experts at the Sonoma County Bird Rescue Center advise people to immediately remove and completely clean all seed feeders and drinking bowls, and to avoid putting them back for at least three to four weeks, or until the end of April, when the pine siskin migrates north to the breed.

A recent article in the National Audubon Society reports that the outbreak of pine catfish this winter is one of the largest in history, meaning that the sharp increase in the migrating population can cause the disease to spread to other bird species. to a great extent.

“We have received dozens of calls every day about sick pines and Salmonellosis,” says an update from the Sonoma County Bird Rescue Center, noting that they also observed the disease in American goldfinches, smaller goldfinches, domestic finches and purple finches.

But the pine siskin appears to be the largest species at risk.

“Our hospital received more than double our average number of hospitalizations at this time of year, with pine trees [encompassing] over 40% of all entries, ”wrote the Bird Rescue Center.

Sick birds usually have bristly feathers and move slowly. Some also have difficulty breathing or their eyes may appear swollen and partially closed. If you find a sick bird in your yard, CDFW recommends contacting your local wildlife rehabilitation center for advice.

The Bird Rescue Center also suggests keeping pets loose outdoors indoors to reduce the possible risk of catching a sick bird and contracting the bacteria.
