Dow drops 225 points with losses for shares of Walmart, Inc.

After the declines in shares of Walmart and Inc., the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell on Thursday morning. Walmart WMT shares,
and Inc. CRM,
are contributing to the index’s intraday decline, like the Dow DJIA,
228 points (0.7%) were traded more recently below. Walmart’s shares fell $ 8.76, or 6.0%, while those of Inc. fell $ 3.56 (1.4%), adding to an approximately 81-point hitch in the Dow. Other components that contribute significantly to the decline include Apple Inc. AAPL,
Boeing BA,
and Chevron CVX,
A move of $ 1 in any of the 30 components of the index is equivalent to a 6.58 point fluctuation.
