Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 Review

In retrospect, Doom (2016) was for tourists. By the time you complete Doom Eternal’s second and final campaign expansion, The Ancient Gods Part 2, you’ll have the skills of, well, an ancient god, and everything the brilliantly modern reinvention of this franchise has thrown at you for five years. behind it will look like child’s play. Doom practically evolved into a single player sport at this point, and The Ancient Gods Part 2 closes the book on Doomslayer’s quest to defeat the forces of Hell, adding enough variety and challenge to keep it as engaging as ever. 2 does not waste time throwing some new and memorable outlaws at you. The biggest and most unpleasant new enemy – and you will know him from the start – is the Baron of Hell, whose armor must be broken before you can start doing any damage. Doing so requires a sustained plasma-based weapon shot or a single, just-in-time precision shot at the mace in your hand at the moment it blinks green. Because of this, they take a long time to take down and must be carefully considered in major battles, which adds another layer to the growing onion of Doom’s combat strategy.

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