“Don’t Use Our Streams For Clout” – Jacksepticeye, Sykkuno and others react to the corpse husband’s breathing

From the horror story narrative to the collaboration with PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the corpse husband made a long journey as a content creator in 2020. He currently has more than 6 million subscribers on YouTube and will certainly continue to this success in 2021.

However, fame comes with certain inevitable disadvantages associated with it. This mainly includes fans who interrupt privacy, enemies and illogical criticism. The corpse husband has successfully hid his true identity so far, but has recently been the victim of death threats. Surprisingly, these threats went to a blank tweet.

“A while ago, I posted a blank tweet and everyone was angry with me. I was kind of upset with Twitter and even death threats because I tweeted a blank tweet, ” said Corpse Husband in a recent broadcast.

Here is Corpse Husband’s response to death threats and the reaction of his fellow creators to it:

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The corpse husband has a unique way of facing enemies

Even though death threats disturbed Corpse, he found an innovative method for responding to them. YouTuber decided to tweet a voice memo of their breath and prove it will still bother people.

“So much has happened: what if I post a voice memo on Twitter about how to breathe? And I am waiting for the right flow to promote this. “

The ‘right flow’ that Corpse mentioned was him playing Between Us with Toast, Jacksepticeye, Sykkuno and Valkyrae, among others. Naturally, promoting your ‘breath tweet’ during such a colossal collaboration helped you reach a large audience.

“It will be cool if we get 500K or something. There will be people who will be upset just because I breathe and that is the point I want to prove with that and just because it would be funny. “

As soon as Corpse announced it was recording a breath tweet, everyone called him hilariously for trying to get free publicity.

“Stop using our flows to have an influence on Corspse,” joked Jacksepticeye and added, “Corpse, clean your ears and put ear wax on Twitter.”

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Promoting the tweet during streaming with big names certainly worked for the corpse husband. His 3-second breathing voice memo currently has over 2.6 million views and over 300,000 likes. To say the least, this was a perfect answer for your haters.
