Donald and Melania Trump received the Covid vaccine at the White House in January

It was not clear which vaccine or how many doses each received.

The revelation comes after the ex-president urged his followers to get vaccinated against the virus during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida on Sunday, telling the audience: “How painless this vaccine is, so everyone will get it your outlet. ” This incentive marked a notable change, as Trump, during his time in office, had long dismissed the severity of the virus and avoided practices such as social detachment and wearing masks.
CNN previously reported that a White House official had said in mid-December that Trump would not receive a coronavirus vaccine until recommended by White House medical staff.
Trump’s decision to receive the vaccine in silence, without public fanfare, contrasts sharply with his successor and predecessors. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were vaccinated live on television in December, and former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton offered in December to put their Covid-19 vaccines on camera to promote public confidence in the safety of the vaccine.
Former President Jimmy Carter was also inoculated against the virus.

During his speech at CPAC, Trump, who oversaw the rapid development of coronavirus vaccines through the Operation Warp Speed ​​task force, said his government deserves much credit for the current rate of vaccinations in America and has repeatedly referred to Covid-19. using a racist term.

“Never let them forget that it was us. We did it,” he said of the vaccine’s development.

Trump’s comments were against CNN’s January report that Biden and his advisers were not inheriting any coronavirus vaccine distribution plans from the Trump administration.

In the hours following Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, sources with direct knowledge of the new government’s Covid-related work told CNN that one of the biggest shocks Biden’s team had to digest during the transition period was what they considered a complete lack of a vaccine distribution strategy under Trump, even weeks after several vaccines were approved for use in the United States.

CNN’s Maeve Reston, MJ Lee and Paul LeBlanc contributed to this report.
