Dominion sends a cease and desist letter to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell

Dominion Voting Systems on Monday sent a cease and desist letter to My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell because of his widespread misinformation related to the 2020 election.

Why it matters: Trump and several of his allies promoted false conspiracy theories about the company, prompting Dominion to take legal action. He is suing pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation and $ 1.3 billion in damages, and a Dominion employee sued Trump himself, OANN and Newsmax.

  • The letter also orders Lindell to “preserve and retain all documents related to Dominion and its smear campaign against the company.”
  • Lindell must also preserve all communications with any member of the Trump campaign, in addition to communications with Rudy Giuliani, Powell, Jenna Ellis and Lin Wood.

Lindell told Axios, “I want Dominion to file a lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the elections.”

The big picture: Lindell met Trump last week and was caught by photographers with notes referring to martial law and Sidney Powell. The CEO became known for selling conspiracies to overturn the elections and last year promoted a false cure for coronavirus.

What they are saying: The Dominion letter says … “Although you know that your implausible attacks against Dominion are not based on reality, you participated in the vast and coordinated disinformation campaign to slander Dominion … Litigation over these issues is imminent . “

This post was updated with a comment from Lindell.

Read the full letter here:
