Dolphins are now trying to negotiate with Kyle Van Noy after news of the surprise launch

Kyle Van Noy may not be released after all.

After the surprising news that the Dolphins planned to launch the veteran linebacker, reports that the team is now trying to replace Van Noy.

Miami freed Van Noy from rival Patriots for a four-year, $ 51 million deal last season. Despite a respectable season, the Dolphins are determined to leave Van Noy and save $ 9.7 million on the cap.

Van Noy said he was “surprised and disappointed” by the decision in a statement, and now he may not be able to decide his next team.

“As a captain, I gave my all to the team,” said Van Noy. “I struggled with a painful hip injury during the season, including spending a night in the hospital after a game. I was brought there to be a leader and I know that my companions admired and respected me. I look forward to making an impact on my next team. “

Van Noy could be the start of an NFL trend with veterans in distress, with the salary cap influenced by COVID-19 currently estimated at no less than $ 180 million.

Dolphins now seek to exchange Kyle Van Noy
Dolphins now seek to exchange Kyle Van Noy
Getty Images

The Post’s Paul Schwartz reported that the Giants could be a potential landing site for Van Noy, due to his familiarity with coach Joe Judge of his days in New England.

This, of course, if the Dolphins end up launching Van Noy.
