Dolly Parton and Noah Centineo exchange stories about Fallon

Do you want to talk about bad dates? Being a ghost on a Tinder call has nothing to do with being driven out of a 1957 Chevy and being forced to walk home alone at night through a bear forest on Smokey Mountain. If that sounds like a pearl of popular wisdom that you would find in a Dolly Parton Christmas movie, it’s because did happen to Dolly Parton. In the Friday episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the host launched his latest adult celebrity party games over his guests, Parton and Noah Centineo. Essentially, Parton said, “I dated a guy and he kicked me out of the car and made me walk home at night through a forest with bears and lynx,” and Centineo had to guess whether this story was real or a bluff. He sounded, “You meeting bears and bobcats? ”And she said,” absolutely, I heard them, I felt them. ” She clarified that she was 17 or 18 at the time of the meeting, and her boyfriend kicked her out of the car and made her walk five miles home through a forest because “it was a situation of putting in or going out”. Of course it is a true story, because this is Dolly Parton, and it even has a moral: “I learned something that night, however. I thought, if it happens to me again, I will definitely give up. I prefer to be chewed by a boy than by a bear. ”The whole persona of Centineo is exactly the opposite of the boy in this story, and his reaction is priceless.
