DOJ pressured Atlanta attorney to change election results

The White House imposed a senior Justice Department official on Atlanta’s attorney general on January 3, causing his resignation as part of a pressure campaign to change the results of the 2020 presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In a late-night phone call, the DOJ official told Trump-appointed attorney general Byung J. Pak that President Trump was furious that the Atlanta feds were not investigating election fraud, the report said.

The DOJ official told Pak that Trump wanted to fire him, prompting the top prosecutor to resign the next day, the day before Georgia’s second run for the Senate, the report said.

Pak cited “unforeseen circumstances” when he resigned.

The pressure campaign against Pak was part of the president’s attempt to alter his election defeat for President-elect Joe Biden, the Journal said.

The newspaper also reported that while election officials in Georgia checked signatures on absentee ballots last month, the White House pressured the lead investigator to “find the fraud, telling him that it would make him a” national hero “.

The day before the call to Pak, on January 2, Trump personally asked Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to recalculate the electoral count in Peach State to “find” enough votes to nullify Biden’s victory, according to with the recordings of the heated connection.
