Dodger Stadium COVID vaccine site to reopen for 2nd dose

Dodger Stadium and several other COVID-19 vaccination sites that were closed last week due to shortages are scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, although ongoing supply problems mean the vast majority of shots fired will be second-shot, they said. Los Angeles authorities.

People vaccinated in mid-January were automatically scheduled for most of the city’s expected weekly supply of 54,000 doses of Moderna and 4,000 doses of Pfizer, a prioritization that the city said was in compliance with county health authority guidelines and federal.

Only 4,600 doses will be reserved for initial immunizations, to be administered at Pierce College and mobile clinics in the most affected sections of southern and eastern Los Angeles.

Thousands more are expected to receive their starting dose on the Cal State LA campus, where a jointly administered facility by the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency is due to begin operations on Tuesday.

“This is a separate direct federal allocation and apart from what is going to the county,” said Brian Ferguson, a spokesman for the state’s Emergency Services Office.

This location will be able to vaccinate up to 6,000 people a day for at least eight weeks, part of an effort by the Biden government to deploy 100 vaccination sites across the country in the first 100 days of the president’s term. The Cal State site and a second at the Oakland-Alameda Coliseum were selected, Governor Gavin Newsom said last week, to focus on underserved areas devastated by the virus and to ensure that “communities that are often left behind are not left behind. back. “

Churches, social service agencies and other groups will receive group tickets for part of the vaccines, said Ferguson. The goal is for people with technology, language or other barriers to get consultations.

In the meantime, teachers and other staff in the Los Angeles Unified School District will have their first designated vaccination site on Wednesday. The operation at the Roybal Learning Center, close to the city center, will be available to district employees aged 65 and over and to those assigned to work at immunization sites.

About 6 million doses of vaccine have been administered in California, with just under 1.5 million in LA County. The virus is decreasing nationally and across the state. Last week, the daily average of new cases in California fell 51% from two weeks ago.

At the peak of infections last month, the county reported an average of 241 COVID-19 deaths per day. The county registered 29 COVID-19 deaths on Monday, although the number may have been affected by the weekend and holiday reporting delays.

Even with the encouraging data, public health officials are begging for more doses of vaccine.

The San Francisco Department of Public Health deplored the provision in a statement on Sunday as “limited, inconsistent and unpredictable”. The city closed the Moscone Center vaccination site for a week and limited a high-volume site at City College to second doses.

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a statement on Monday: “Our city has the tools, infrastructure and determination to vaccinate Angelenos quickly and safely – we just need more doses.”

Times staff writers Howard Blume and Adam Elmahrek contributed to this report.
