Distraught Kevin Durant fan threatens to shoot LeBron James in the head during the next Lakers-Nets game

High-profile athletes and other celebrities are often the target of harsh words and even threats, but an NBA superstar has received an insanely impetuous threat.

An individual on social media posted a message about planning to take a loaded gun to a competition between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Brooklyn Nets in order to shoot LeBron James in the head.

The account owner later posted that the threat was just a joke. Even so, threats like this must always be taken seriously.

Maybe James has been too busy lately to worry too much about malicious fans like the one who posted the threat. He won his fourth NBA championship about three months ago, then went back to work last month for his 18th NBA season.

Although he is now 36 years old, he looked as nimble as ever this season, despite playing the reduced minutes as a concession to the mileage he carries and the ultra-short offseason after last year’s playoffs.
