Discord is no longer banning r / WallStreetBets – it is helping them

Discord is now helping the r / WallStreetBets team to moderate their new server. The company originally banned the group yesterday for “hateful and discriminatory content” and revealed that it sent repeated warnings to the team that manages the community.

These warnings, for whatever reason, were ignored, but now the r / WallStreetBets team and Discord are working together. The Discord team is actively working with the server team to assist in moderation. At least one Discord employee, who is now on the new WallStreetBets server, is also helping with infrastructure issues related to the rapid growth the community is experiencing.

“The members of WallStreetBets have set up a new server and we are working with them,” said a Discord spokesman in a statement to the The Verge. “We will welcome the group back as long as they improve their moderation practices and follow our Community Guidelines. We contacted moderators to provide support and advice, as we do for many of our large communities. “

Discord was in an awkward position yesterday, after the virtually unmoderated server suddenly grew out of control. It can allow hate speech to continue in a community that would not normally be banned or take action to close it after repeated warnings. The ban appears to have worked for r / WallStreetBets moderators to respond.

Hours after the ban, the subreddit moderators publicly criticized Discord. “We block all bad words with a bot, which should be enough, but apparently if someone can say a bad word in Icelandic characters in Unicode and someone can take a screenshot, you can’t go out with your friends anymore ”Said the / moderators of the WallStreetBets subreddit.

The new WallStreetBets Discord server currently has 296,000 members and continues to grow by the second. He played a central role in the subreddit’s continuing mission to raise the price of GameStop and AMC shares. We’ve been following the growth of the Discord server for the past few days, and while yesterday was full of profanity and racial slurs, whatever work Discord is doing behind the scenes seems to be working to reduce that content today.

There are now fewer people shouting on calls, using racial slurs or blowing up music to hundreds of people listening. Memes are now mostly emoji and text, rather than images that often include offensive material.

We asked Discord exactly what is being done to improve moderation for text, image and audio based communications and how the company was able to resolve its differences with WallStreetBets. The company was unable to provide details at the time of publication.
