Disco Elysium: the final edition will still be released in March

Despite the lack of recent updates on the game, Disco Elysium: The Final Cut will still be released in March. Disco Elysium developer ZA / UM announced The Final Cut at The Game Awards 2020 last December, a version of the game in the “director’s version” style that would extend and expand the acclaimed RPG. It will also add complete dubbing. Although Disco Elysium: The Final Cut was released for PS4, PS5, Stadia and PC in March 2021, some fans were concerned that the game might not meet the deadline.

However, according to a recent communication from Discord by a member of the game’s development team, The Final Cut will be released in March “for sure”. ZA / UM publishing chief Mikk Metsniit said the team’s silence on the radio is due to the coordination needed to ensure that the game starts correctly on all four platforms. Metsniit’s public statement came in part due to “many speculations [being] thrown on. “

Disco Elysium is a highly literary approach to the CRPG genre inspired by genre classics such as Planescape: Torment, as well as other works, such as Émile Zola’s seminal novel, Germinal. As part of the original announcement, ZA / UM said Disco Elysium: The Final Cut will come to the Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch later this summer. Final Cut will be a free upgrade for existing owners of the original Elysium Disc. This will be the first time that the game will be available for consoles. Disco Elysium is one of the most critically acclaimed games of late 2010, and GameSpot has already named it one of the top 10 games of 2019.

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