DHEC recommends facial masks and social distance amid increasing cases of SC COVID-19

COLOMBIA, SC (WOLO) – Health officials are recommending that you wear a mask and maintain social distance as coronavirus cases in our state continue to increase.
On Sunday, DHEC reported 907 new cases and nine deaths.
Looking at the numbers for South Carolina Department of Health officials, they say 5,622 people were tested on Saturday and the positive percentage was 16.1%.


How the South Carolinians can stop the spread
Evidence is mounting on the high rates of infection in people who have no symptoms and don’t know they are infectious. This puts everyone at risk of catching the virus or, unknowingly, passing it on to someone else. The steps we can take to protect ourselves and others include:

  • Practicing social detachment
  • Wearing a mask in public
  • Avoiding group meetings
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Stay home if you are sick

For the latest information on COVID-19, visit scdhec.gov/COVID19. Visit scdmh.net for stress, anxiety and mental health resources from the SC Department of Mental Health.
