DeVos resigned after believing that the 25th Amendment was off the table

The bottom: DeVos became the second cabinet member to step down after the violent attack on Capitol Hill by pro-Trump rioters. Transport Secretary Elaine Chao announced her departure on Thursday.

In his resignation letter, DeVos told Trump that “there is no doubt about the impact his rhetoric has had” on the violent riots on Capitol Hill.

DeVos released the resignation letter on Thursday after several reports that said Pence did not intend to proceed with the removal of Trump under the 25th Amendment. Pence did not comment publicly or inform major Congressional leaders about his position.

The DeVos advisor declined to say whether DeVos had spoken directly to Pence or Trump about the situation. The Wall Street Journal previously reported on DeVos’ thinking on the subject.

What is the next: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer asked Pence to use the 25th Amendment. Pelosi said on Friday that they still hope “to hear from him as soon as possible with a positive response if he and the Cabinet will honor their oath to the Constitution and the American people”.

Some Democrats, who called for Trump’s immediate removal from office, criticized DeVos and Chao for resigning rather than seeking to remove Trump from office under the 25th Amendment.

Majority leader in the House, Jim Clyburn, accused the two cabinet members of “shirking their responsibilities” by resigning. “If they feel this strongly, they would stay there and wait for this meeting so they can cast two of the votes that are needed to invoke the 25th Amendment,” Clyburn told CNN.

Farewell words: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said on Twitter that DeVos was “the worst secretary of education of all time” and that DeVos “would rather give up than do his job to help invoke the 25th Amendment”

DeVos responded on Thursday morning: “You don’t know what you’re talking about, @SenWarren.”

DeVos sent an email to Department of Education officials on Friday morning, sharing his Wednesday statement on Capitol Hill violence and a copy of his Thursday night resignation letter.

“It has been a privilege to serve America’s students at your side, and I wish for nothing but the best as you continue to support our new generation.” She signed the note “Forward!”
