Destiny 2’s Osiris Challenges remain offline

After disabling Destiny 2Trials of Osiris mode last week due to an exploit, Bungie announced on Thursday in its weekly blog post that it is going offline indefinitely while continuing to investigate the problem.

Last week, a winning trading method that has been around for a while has exploded, and Trials players around the world have started trading with winnings up to Flawless. This is how it works: players equip certain badges to show that they are in the game to exchange wins with the other team; the two squad leaders post virtual data in the chat; and the winning team returns to the match with the characters they want to win with, while the losing team gives up on the match. Do this several times, and the Guardians who only appear when your squad leader wins the test, win a free trip to the Lighthouse.

It is an extremely complex and complicated system; you can watch Destiny PvP YouTuber Aztecross explain the flaw in more detail in the video above. At the moment, it is unclear how long it will take for Bungie to fix this problem. But, as Aztecross points out, disabling game mode to keep the integrity of Trials intact after a whole year of rampant cheating seems a little silly at this point.

In other news, Bungie encouraged players to attempt the 12-player attack failure that it is currently in. Destiny 2, saying the studio is in no hurry to fix it. Bungie noted that since the activities in question are not aimed at 12 players, things can get a little weird. The studio said it will fix the bug before Grandmaster Nightfalls returns on March 16, presumably to maintain the integrity of the rewards that come from them, such as the title Conqueror.

Bungie also announced some community votes, in which players can choose between a new dinosaur-themed armor or a monster-themed movie.

Later this year, during Destiny 2Bungie’s Halloween replacement, Festival of the Lost, will sell a new set of armor for Silver (real money currency) or Bright Dust (in-game currency used to buy cosmetic items). Silver-or-Bright-Dust armor sets are very common for Destiny holiday events, but this year, players can vote for what they want.

The armor of the Destiny 2 monster movie defines art

From left to right, we have Hunter, Warlock and Titan.
Image: Bungie

The first possibility is a set based on classic movie monsters. We have a Hunter dressed as Godzilla, a Wizard dressed as a Creature from the Black Lagoon and a Titan dressed as a Cyclops.

Destiny 2 dinosaur armor defines art

Once again, we have Hunter, Warlock and Titan from left to right.
Image: Bungie

The second set presents some dinosaur looks for the Guardians. There is Hunter in his raptor armor, Warlock in his Triceratops armor, and the Titan in his T. rex armor. Based on the initial reaction from the Internet, it looks like the dinosaur set will win that vote in an overwhelming victory.

Fans who want to vote – to help the dinosaur secure victory or restore balance by voting on the movie’s monster set – can fill out the Bungie survey. These armor sets are likely to appear in the game between September and November this year.
