Destiny 2: Witch Queen expansion postponed to 2022

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, the next expansion of the game, will not reach the 2021 launch window, according to a new Destiny 2 update from assistant game director Joe Blackburn. The Queen Witch will be launched in early 2022, in order to maintain Bungie’s standards and for the health of the team during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Last summer, we outlined our ambition for the next era in Destiny two announcing the complete arc, starting with Beyond the light, followed by THE Queen witch and Lightfall, ”Said Blackburn. “When we started to scale production in THE Queen witch last year, we made the difficult but important decision to move its launch to early 2022; we also realized that we needed to add an additional unannounced chapter after Lightfall to fully complete our first Destiny saga. “

This statement by Blackburn is quite loaded. Not only removes The Queen Witch from 2021, it also announces a fourth expansion last Lightfall (probably now scheduled for 2024), and implies a second Destiny 2 saga some time after that.

Blackburn goes on to mention that The Queen Witch it will be unlike any expansion the studio has ever made, creating a story that will span the rest of the “Luz e Trevas saga” and interconnecting pieces from the original Destiny.

Between now and The Queen Witch, Blackburn and the team plan to develop other aspects of the Destiny 2 supporting PvP, adding new content, transmog, crossplay and more.
