Deshaun Watson’s second sexual assault accuser emerges

For the second day in a row, a massage therapist accused Texas quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual assault, according to a civil lawsuit opened on Wednesday in Harris County, Texas.

The alleged incident occurred in August 2020 – five months after another massage therapist said she was similarly assaulted by the Houston franchise’s 25-year-old face.

Both complaints say that Watson assaulted unidentified massage therapists, “touching” them with his penis and acting “aggressively”.

The first complaint said that “it was clear that Watson wanted a massage just for one reason – sex”.

Watson denied the first claim after she surfaced on Tuesday, saying that she “never treated any woman with anything but the utmost respect” and that she hoped to clear her name. He also said he rejected an “unsubstantiated six-figure settlement demand” made before the first accuser appeared.

Watson did not publicly comment on the second allegation, which comes as he faces an uncertain future in Houston, after requesting an exchange early in the off-season due to reported problems with management.

Attorney Tony Buzbee, who represents the two women, said on social media that he will open two more cases on behalf of women alleging misconduct by Watson, a three-time Pro Bowl defender.

Deshaun Watson is facing his second sexual assault lawsuit in a few days.
Deshaun Watson is facing his second sexual assault lawsuit in a few days.
Getty Images

“Watson’s behavior is part of a disturbing pattern of hunting for vulnerable women,” said the complaint filed on Wednesday.

The plaintiff in the second complaint, referred to as Jane Doe to protect her identity, said Watson caught up with her on Instagram and took her from Atlanta to a hotel suite in Houston for the massage session on August 28. peculiar ”that an“ NFL player would look for a massage with her, because she is not yet a well-known masseuse. “

According to the complaint, Watson immediately went completely naked and refused to cover his penis when asked, citing that he “gets hot easily”.

Soon after, according to the complaint, Watson “continued to aggressively redirect the Claimant to his anus”.

The plaintiff ignored his request and worked on the inner area of ​​Watson’s thigh, as discussed earlier, causing Watson to become “more aggressive” and move in a direction that caused “the Claimant’s hand to touch Watson’s genitals” , according to the complaint.

The complainant then interrupted the massage, according to the complaint, and later left the hotel room while Watson was in the shower.

She said Watson paid her only half of what was due, but that she was “so upset about the incident that she didn’t ask for the other half of the payment”.

Both accusers are seeking “minimal compensation damages” from Watson, who last fall signed a four-year contract worth up to $ 156 million (guaranteed $ 73 million).
