Denuvo anti-cheat hits PlayStation 5 tools and middleware

Anti-cheat software Denuvo has been added to the PlayStation 5 tools and middleware library. This gives developers more access to add this ubiquitous anti-cheat software to their games, which will prevent hacking and modding. However, some fans are concerned about Denuvo.

The tool has two main objectives. The first is to prevent game piracy and the second is to prevent hackers and cheaters from interfering with online games. The PlayStation 5 program only has anti-cheat functionality. In the Denuvo ad, the developer says that several PlayStation 5 release titles used Denuvo, but did not specify which ones.

Denuvo is not without controversy, however. In May 2020, id Software removed the anti-cheat Denuvo from Doom Eternal right after adding it to the game, after a great outcry from some players, some of whom bombed the game on Steam. Players were concerned about Denuvo’s access to his computer and any interference with a player’s campaigns. Similar questions have been raised about Valorant’s anti-cheat software, which was developed by Riot Games.
