Democrats ponder options to pass Biden’s massive COVID relief bill

In his inaugural address on Wednesday, President Biden called on a deeply divided America to embrace bipartisanship, “join forces, stop shouting and lower the temperature”.

“This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the way forward,” said Biden.

Democratic leaders in Congress echoed that sentiment. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said in a speech on Wednesday that his aim would be to legislate on a bipartisan basis when possible, as “the Senate works best when we work together”. Spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday that members of Congress “have a responsibility to find bipartisanship where we can”.

But it is not clear whether the narrow majority of Democrats in Congress will be able to implement Biden’s ambitious legislative agenda with the support of Republicans. The president revealed his $ 1.9 trillion economic coronavirus relief plan last week, which includes $ 400 billion to arrest the spread of COVID-19 and increase the capacity of the vaccine; more than $ 1 trillion to help families in need of direct financial support; and $ 440 billion in emergency funds for small businesses and low-income communities.

Although the measure has garnered widespread Democratic support, Republicans have already refused to accept high-priced stimulus projects proposed in the House.

If the bill fails to attract enough Republican support, Democrats have a few options: they can approve it in the budget reconciliation process, or eliminating legislative obstruction. Most bills require 60 votes in the Senate to end the debate and establish a full vote in the Senate floor. An obstruction occurs when a bill does not receive 60 votes to end the debate.

The majority leader, Chuck Schumer, could invoke the “nuclear option”, a procedural maneuver that would allow the Senate to end debate over a bill with just a simple majority of votes.

Democrats have the narrow majority possible, only 50 seats in the Senate, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting any tiebreaker vote.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell warned Schumer against removing the obstruction, saying in a speech to the Senate plenary on Thursday that Democrats should not do so “if the conversation about unity and common ground is to have meaning . ” Some Democrats have also expressed opposition to removing the obstruction, fearing that Republicans can then easily reverse Democratic legislation and implement their priorities with only a simple majority once they regain a majority. Without the obstruction, the minority has less power – and Democrats know they will be in the minority again, sooner or later.

The other option – approving the bill through budgetary reconciliation – would avoid removing the obstruction, but would still cause divisions, as it would allow the measure to pass without any Republican support. But it would also streamline procedures in the House and Senate, so that the bill could be passed more quickly.

However, the legislation could be subject to what is colloquially known as the “Byrd rule”, which limits the provisions that can be included in a bill approved by reconciliation. The rule, named after the late Senator Robert Byrd, prohibits “irrelevant” provisions in reconciliation, so that only items that affect federal budget spending are included. Some of the provisions of Mr. Biden’s proposal, such as raising the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour and implementing paid family leave, may not qualify for inclusion in the Byrd rule.

But many Democrats remain optimistic that Biden’s bill will attract Republican support and are reserving the option of reconciliation.

“I think there will be a good debate, but I am reasonably optimistic that we will get 60 votes. It is better when we can. So you have bipartisan consent, and I think it is a much stronger position to work with,” said Sen. Angus King, an independent who joins the Democrats, CBS News. King is one of 16 lawmakers who joined a bipartisan coalition in the Senate to approve coronavirus legislation. The group will have a connection with Brian Deese, Biden’s economic advisor, in the next few days, a source known to CBS News confirmed.

Senator Bernie Sanders, the top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee, told reporters on Wednesday that “we need to get in touch with the Republicans”.

“I hope that many of them understand the crises we are facing. But if they don’t, we have to move forward with reconciliation,” said Sanders.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at her first press conference on Wednesday that Biden’s “clear preference is to move forward with a bipartisan bill.”

“But we’re also not going to take any tools off the table for how the Senate, the House and the Senate can make this package urgent,” said Psaki.

The Senate will be extremely busy in the coming weeks. In addition to approving the relief bill – through budgetary reconciliation or otherwise – Biden’s cabinet nominees must still be confirmed, and as soon as the House submits the impeachment article against former President Trump, the Senate must conduct its impeachment trial.

Meanwhile, the need for a coronavirus relief bill remains urgent. More than 400,000 Americans died of the virus and millions lost their jobs as a result of the economic crisis.
