Democratic drive to revive brands divides Republicans

WASHINGTON (AP) – Can lawmakers bring bacon home without being pork?

It is an issue that irks Republicans as they consider whether to join a Democratic effort to revive endowments, the much-maligned practice in which lawmakers direct federal spending toward a specific project or institution in their country. Examples include a new bridge, community library or university research program.

Resource allocation was linked to corruption in the 2000s, leading to protests and banning them in the House and Senate. But many in Congress say the ban has gone too far, giving away “purse power” to party leaders and the executive and giving lawmakers less incentive to work with members of the other party on important legislation.

Democratic appropriators in the House see a solution and are proposing a revamped process allowing lawmakers to submit public requests for “financing community projects” in federal spending accounts. To protect against corruption, the process includes safeguards to avoid conflicts of interest.

The fact that the liaison becomes bipartisan could have huge implications not only for allocating expenditures across the country, but for President Joe Biden, who is preparing for a massive infrastructure boost he hopes will attract significant Republican support. With the link in place, bipartisanship may prove easier to achieve, as lawmakers on both sides of the corridor may have reason to support projects they would otherwise oppose.

“It is a matter of allowing members to serve their own constituents,” said Representative Tom Cole, R-Okla. “Someone is going to make these decisions – and I don’t want to criticize federal bureaucrats – but someone who has never been to my district probably doesn’t know the needs as well as I do.”

With Congress having allocated nearly $ 6 trillion to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, some conservatives are appalled at the prospect of Republicans taking part in a wave of Democratic spending. They say that your party should resist marking, not reliving it.

“This is not the time to fall into the swamp or the dark hole in the ear tags,” said Rep. Ted Budd, RN.C. “We need to draw a clear line between Republicans and Democrats now.”

For now, the appropriations debate is taking place mainly behind the scenes, with the Republican leadership of the House holding a listening session on the subject on Monday night.

“It really looks like a ball in the air,” said Budd. “Some are vehemently opposed, just like me. The older members, who have been here a lot longer, tend to be in favor. ”

Concerned about what lies ahead, Republican members in both chambers of Congress have sponsored legislation this year to ban funds. Eleven Republicans added their name to a bill sponsored by Senator Steve Daines, R-Mont., And 10 Republicans signed a version of Congressman Ralph Norman, RS.C.

About three dozen lawmakers also signed a letter on Wednesday urging the appropriation committee leaders in both chambers to avoid a return to binding. Budd led the effort and said he is telling groups outside Beltway and inside to contact their members and let them know “how precarious this is”.

The end of the link came quickly a decade ago, when House Republicans took the majority and quickly banned the practice. President Barack Obama promised during a State of the Union address that “if a bill comes to my table with marks inside, I will veto it.” The Senate Appropriations Committee soon initiated its own moratorium.

It was a popular move after the headlines drew the country’s attention to Alaska’s $ 223 million “bridge to nowhere” and Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham’s guilty plea for taking bribes from companies in exchange for government contracts on your way. President Donald Trump pardoned the eight-term Republican Congressman earlier this year when he was leaving the White House.

Over the years, the moratorium has been imposed by party rules and committee protocols. It does not exist in the rules of the Chamber or the Senate, or by force of law.

In late February, when President Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Took charge of the powerful Appropriations Committee, she said it was time for a change. Done correctly, she and other Democrats say that a defined process for funding requests can make lawmakers more responsive to their constituents.

She spelled out several requirements that must be met for lawmakers to apply for funding, including;

– All requests must be made online.

– Associates must certify that they and their families have no financial interest in the projects they request.

– Members can apply for funding from state or local government grantees and non-profit organizations, but not to help for-profit corporations. A maximum of 10 requests will be considered per member.

– The total amount of expenditures on projects must not exceed 1% of discretionary expenditures. These expenditures do not include entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security, or the cost of financing the federal debt.

Representative Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, a veteran member of the funding committee, said he supported “limited fashion brands”.

“As long as they are transparent and I have to put my name next to them, I asked for these things,” said Simpson. “I’m not going to ask for anything that is stupid, that people are going to beat me up. I will say that the city of Boise requested these things because it needed help in that area. “

Deputy Peter DeFazio, the chairman of the Chamber’s Transport Committee, also announced that he would allow funds on the next roads and transit infrastructure project to be drawn up in the committee. He said requests should include, among other things, letters of support, sources of funding for the total cost of the project, the status of the project and a description of opportunities for the public to comment.

The committee’s Republican, Rep. Sam Graves, of Missouri, said the funds would not increase the amount of money spent on a bill. They just spend that money differently.

“It only changes who makes the decision. And when you have bureaucrats who are not elected and don’t have to resist scrutiny for your decisions, you have no responsibility for how those dollars are spent, ”said Graves. “This is something that I feel very strongly about.”

Norman fears that the money will be used to entice Republicans to vote for projects with expensive price tags.

“In your family budget, you have priorities,” said Norman. “And the priority for this country today is to have a solid financial base. Will brands do that? I would argue that it is not. “

The Senate seems less advanced in its allocation planning, but Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Said on Wednesday that he hopes to allow lawmakers to request what he called “designated expenditures”.

“I am perfectly willing to divide it evenly between Republicans and Democrats. And then it will be up to them if they want. If they don’t, we will only have it on the Democratic side, ”said Leahy.
