Demo Outriders Getting Patch, Legendaries Will Be Harder to Farm

People Can Fly is correcting the Outriders demo to address player activity and fix bugs. A major change will make it more difficult to grow legendary items in the demo after players have discovered a ‘loot cave’ amid other unintended exploits. The full patch notes can be found on Reddit, where a Square Enix representative notes that the popular demo has been downloaded by more than 2 million players since its February 25 launch.

A back-end update is coming later today that will adjust the crowd’s health statistics and prevent players from cultivating legendary items with an exploit. This exploit allowed players to load on a mission, loot a trio of chests and repeat. People Can Fly did this so that the chests will no longer leave legendary items, and the stores and vendors will also not present epic items. Alternatively, repeated runs of side missions now offer a chance to drop legendary items to encourage a more honest cultivation method. The post notes that some of the exploits found were not “in the spirit of the game”, which is why the developers are taking action.

People Can Fly also warned that those who have used demo exploits may see their progression impacted in the main game when it launches next month. “Although we balanced the main game with a certain progression system, that progression can be affected by a lot of equipment and / or mods in the demo,” says the post. “Since some players are anticipating much of this progression (such as trying to populate their mod library or purchasing multiple Legendaries) within the demo content, their experience of parts of the main game may well be affected.”

A patch that will arrive early next week will also add requested features, such as Motion Blur toggle and implement load time and frame rate adjustments, as well as fixing multiple crashes on all platforms. Going forward, People Can Fly is looking at a number of issues to resolve, including camera shake in cut-scenes, items that disappear from players’ inventories and cheaters.

Outriders will be released on April 1 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Here is our ongoing analysis of Outriders, covering our impressions of the generous demo. If you are interested in knowing what all the fuss is about, here is a video that covers 10 Outriders demo tips and tricks to help new players acclimate to the game.

Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.
