Demi Lovato highlights her streaks with shine

If you are Demi Lovato, you don’t hide your stretch marks, you let them shine. Or rather, shine.

The 28-year-old pop star, a longtime advocate of body positivity and acceptance, who battled bulimia for years and sought treatment for it, shared photos of her streaks highlighted with gold glitter on Instagram during the Christmas holiday.

“I used to sincerely believe that recovery from an eating disorder was not real,” she wrote. “That everyone was pretending or secretly relapsing behind closed doors. ‘Surely she vomits here and there’, ‘she can’t POSSIBLY accept her cellulite’ … those are just some of the things I used to say growing up. “

She continued: “I am very grateful to be able to say honestly for the first time in my life – my nutritionist looked at me and said ‘This is what recovery from eating disorder looks like’. In honor of my gratitude for the place I am in today, this was a small photo I took alone in quarantine this summer, when I wanted to celebrate my stretch marks instead of being ashamed of them. “
