Dem senators’ group asks McCarthy and Tuberville to be deposed

McCarthy told Trump to cancel the rioters, to which Trump falsely said he couldn’t because they were really left-wing extremists, says Herrera Beutler. McCarthy stepped back and Trump replied, “Well, Kevin, I think these people are more upset about the election than you are,” says Herrera Beutler. Washington’s Herrera Beutler was one of 10 House Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment.

Tuberville, from Alabama, said POLITICO on Wednesday he spoke to Trump as protesters approached the Senate floor and told him that Vice President Mike Pence had been evacuated.

Both allegations would reinforce the arguments of the House’s impeachment managers that Trump ignored calls to stop the violence.

“It looks like Trump’s BS artist lawyers may have crossed the BS line for something much more serious,” wrote Whitehouse in a tweet on Friday night. He pointed to an Atlantic article noting that Trump’s lawyers did not respond directly when asked on Friday when Trump knew that Pence was in danger.

“Trump’s lawyers probably have an ethical obligation to clean this up: duty of openness to a court. You don’t get advice to make false statements; if you do, you have an affirmative duty to clean it. Tomorrow was much more interesting, ”wrote Whitehouse, from Rhode Island.

Whitehouse then called for the trial to be suspended to depose McCarthy and Tuberville in order to find out more about the situation, as well as appealed to the Secret Service to provide details about communications to the White House about Pence’s security.

“What did Trump know and when did he know?” Whitehouse wrote.

“Senator Whitehouse nailed it,” Oregon’s Merkley said on Twitter on Saturday morning in response to Whitehouse’s calls for witnesses.

The other Democratic Senator Ed Markey, from Massachusetts, agreed to call Whitehouse witnesses on Saturday morning.

“House managers should ask for witnesses to be summoned, including anyone who has communicated with Donald Trump or has direct knowledge of his actions and mood while he was at the White House after the Capitol was violated and while the coup attempt was made. was in progress, ”Markey wrote in a tweet.
