‘Deeply disturbing:’ Jha reacts to Trump by calling COVID’s deaths ‘fake news’

President Donald Trump released the national number of coronavirus deaths counted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Fake news” on Twitter Sunday.

That number, counted by an agency of the Trump administration itself, exceeded 350,000 on Sunday, as cases continue to rise. Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, called the president’s baseless claim “deeply disturbing.”

“First of all, it is not fake news. it’s real news, ”Jha told CNN International anchor Rosemary Church on Monday morning. “It is probably an underestimate of the number of people who died from this pandemic in the United States.”

Since the outbreak began, public health experts have emphasized that the official coronavirus death count can be dramatically lower than the actual number. A September study by the Boston University School of Public Health suggested that the count at the time could have been 36% less than the actual death toll.

“Your comments are deeply disrespectful to the families of those you love,” said Jha. “Your losses are not fake news. It is shocking to me that this is where our president is now in his final days in office, refusing not only to take responsibility, but really trying to erase the losses we suffered last year. “

Jha also discussed the slow implementation of the vaccine in the country, the possibility of a post-holiday increase and the future of the pandemic under the chairmanship of Joe Biden. See the complete segment below:

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