DC Mayor asks DHS for increased security measures around inauguration

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel BowserMuriel BowserSunday previews: Riots stir Washington as demands for Trump’s removal grow. Terrorism is a tactic – not a color or ideology. The Hill’s Morning Report – Trump finally admits; The pressure of amendment 25 grows MORE (D) on Sunday asked the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take additional steps to protect the nation’s capital before the president-elect Joe BidenJoe BidenKim says that North Korean efforts will focus on bringing the United States to its knees. Amazon suspends Parler from web hosting service Pelosi asks Democrats to prepare to return to Washington this week amid impeachment calls for MOREinauguration of.

In a letter to the DHS interim secretary Chad WolfJudge Chad WolfUS blocks the Trump administration’s restrictions on asylum eligibility The acting Pentagon chief condemns the violence and praises the police response to the Capitol attack. The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Consequences of Terror on the US Capitol MORE, Bowser called for several specific measures to be taken, including an extension of the special security period around the inauguration, the declaration of a pre-disaster zone and greater coordination between federal law enforcement agencies to protect federal buildings with the hope to allow DC police to respond to the other needs of the city.

The statement described Wednesday’s riot at the United States Capitol as an “unprecedented terrorist attack” and considered the measures described in its letter “essential to demonstrate our collective determination to ensure the constitutional transition of our nation’s power and capital. the day before her. “

Bowser asked Wolf to extend the already declared special security period of its current duration from 19 to 21 January, from 11 to 24 January. She also asked the Justice Department to instruct the FBI to provide daily security instructions from Jan. 11-24, and the Department of the Interior must cancel any approved public meeting authorization for that period and not issue new licenses.

DHS officials did not immediately return a request for comment on Bowser’s statement from The Hill.

In a Sunday afternoon interview on MSNBC, Bowser also pointed out reported delays in the federal and multi-state response to the Capitol riot, including the delay at the Pentagon authorizing the deployment of the DC National Guard, as a reason why the District of Columbia should become the 51st state of the nation.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) confirmed that these delays occurred during an interview on Sunday with CNN’s Jake TapperJacob (Jake) Paul TapperJohn Kelly says Trump Cabinet should discuss the 25th Amendment Republican Party senators face criticism in the wake of challenges to the votes of the Electoral College Tapper dispute with DeWine over the Republican Party’s effort to overturn the election results, but said he couldn’t answer why it took so long for Maryland’s national guards and law enforcement agencies to be given the authority to enter the district to help Congress.

“So our Guard mobilized and it was ready. But we couldn’t really cross the border into DC without OK. And that took some time. We continued to climb the flagpole, our generals talking to the National Guard generals. And, eventually , I received a call from Ryan McCarthyRyan McCarthyOvernight Defense: Pentagon Chief Condemns Capitol Riots | Mayor calls for removal of Trump | Fence erected around the Capitol | Murdered woman, veteran Air Force senator, Democratic senator, raises concerns about possession of DC Guard security to erect 7-foot ‘non-scalable fence’ around Capitol Hill after violent unrest MORE, the secretary of the Army, asking if we could enter the city. But we were already mobilizing, “said Hogan on Sunday.

Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died as a result of Wednesday’s unrest, which has since been fully condemned by lawmakers from both parties. Numerous members of Congress, including several Republican senators, have asked the president to immediately resign or face removal by impeachment or the 25th amendment in response to Trump’s incitement of the crowd moments earlier at a DC rally, as well as his later praise for them in a video message.
