Dax Shepard revealed why he talked about his relapse after 16 years of sobriety

“After walking the track a few times, I feel that I have the right to take two Vicodin at the end of the day because I am in pain,” he said during an episode of his podcast, Armchair specialist.

“For the past eight weeks … I have been with them all day,” he continued. “I can take them in some dosage because I have a prescription, and I’m also increasing it. And then all the prescriptions are over, and now I’m taking just 30,000 Oxys that I bought whenever I decide, I can do [it]. “

“I know it is an amount that will result in a very bad withdrawal,” added Dax. “And I start to get very scared and feel very alone. And I have a big secret.”

“Kristen doesn’t deserve in the next six months for every fucking interview she does, ‘Oh, Dax has relapsed,'” he said. “I’m sorry and I’m ashamed that I put other people in this situation.”

“What I love most about Dax is that he was able to tell me and say to us, ‘We need a different plan,'” she told Ellen in October. “We have a plan – if he has to take medicine for any reason, I have to administer it. But he said, ‘We need a stronger plan’.”

“He’s addicted to evolving,” Kristen continued. “He was like, ‘I don’t want to risk this family and I did, so let’s put new things in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again.’ We are returning to therapy. I love that he is addicted to growth. I will continue to support it because it is very worthwhile. “
