Dawn is not impressed by Republicans fleeing the Titanic

Welcome to Best of Late Night, a summary of the highlights of the previous night that allows you to sleep – and allows us to be paid to watch comedies. We’re all stuck at home at the moment, so here are the 50 best movies on Netflix now.

The dawn hosts were still reeling along with the rest of the country on Thursday, the day after a crowd incited by Trump to invade the Capitol.

“Well, guys, it was a very epic 24 hours,” said Jimmy Fallon at the beginning of “The Tonight Show”. “Joe Biden has been certified as our next president, several employees have resigned from the White House, Trump’s social media accounts have been banned, and yet, compared to yesterday, it’s a slow news day.”

“He was also prevented from posting to Facebook and Instagram indefinitely. YouTube pulled its video address to protesters, citing electoral misinformation, and Amazon forbade it to order Pixy Stix because it makes him very nervous before going to sleep. ” – STEPHEN COLBERT

“In other news, guess who doesn’t want to ban TikTok anymore.” – JIMMY FALLON

Julien Baker sang his new song “Faith Healer” on Thursday’s “Late Show”.
