David Perdue gives Jon Ossoff a run for the Georgia Senate

“Although we won the general election, we fell a little short of Georgia’s 50% rule and now I want to congratulate the Democratic Party and my opponent on this victory in the second round,” wrote Perdue. “Bonnie and I will continue to pray for our wonderful state and our great country. May God continue to bless Georgia and the United States of America.”

Perdue did not quote Ossoff in the statement after a controversial campaign. Georgia requires a candidate to win 50% plus one vote to win the general election and Perdue did not reach that margin, forcing the second round between him and Ossoff.

Georgians elected Ossoff to the U.S. Senate, CNN projected on Wednesday, giving the Democratic Party control of Congress and the White House for the first time since Barack Obama was in office, an outright rejection of President Donald Trump while he he tried to reverse his own loss.

The victory of Ossoff and Georgia’s Democratic colleague, Rev. Raphael Warnock, reverses the Senate, giving President-elect Joe Biden the power to enact comprehensive and liberal legislation and advance cabinet nominations without Republican support. The party’s Senate split will be 50 to 50, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris breaking the vote.

This story is emerging and will be updated.
