Daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow, apple roasts her routine

“She starts to work making a few more vagina eggs.”

Gwyneth Paltrow passed control of the Goop TikTok account to her daughter Apple and basically it was just as you could imagine.

The 16-year-old took the opportunity to totally ruin her mother’s morning routine, a few days after sharing a detailed story with Vogue.

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Vogue / Via youtube.com

In the hilarious TikTok, Apple offered its own interpretation of its mother’s daily routine, which was, of course, filled with Goop products.

“First, my mom drinks Goop Glow Morning Superpowder. And she doesn’t eat anything except dates and almond butter, so she’ll want that. I suppose Goop Glow is part of her cleaning, which she’s been using since … the Apparently I was born, “joked Apple.

She continued to scoff at Gwyneth’s extensive skin care routine, which lasted an hour, saying, “She just walks around the bathroom, putting her millions of Goop Glow products onto her glowing skin.”

“Then she starts to work, making a few more vagina eggs. And candles, also vagina candles and vagina scents. Just everything about the vagina,” added Apple.

And based on your “brilliant” analysis, it really looks like Apple is a fan of your mother’s Goop empire!

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