Dana Bash confuses Cuomo brothers as he talks about the governor’s scandal

Things are going to get weird in the CNN cafeteria!

CNN anchor Dana Bash mistook her colleague Chris Cuomo for his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, on the air on Sunday, while discussing the latest allegations of sexual harassment against the politician.

The main political correspondent made the mistake when reporting that the governor allegedly asked his former aide, Charlotte Bennett, 25, inappropriate questions and made comments that, according to her, left her with the feeling that he “wanted to sleep with me”.

“The New York Times is reporting a second allegation of sexual harassment against New York Governor Chris Cuomo last night,” said Bash in the “State of the Union.”

“This is a report by a former adviser Charlotte Bennett saying that Cuomo asked her alone in her office last spring about her sex life, including whether she has had sex with older men, she has other claims as well,” she continued .

Bash then started an interview with White House press secretary Jen Psaki, before correcting himself for accidentally naming the presenter for “Cuomo Prime Time”.

“I must say, Governor Andrew Cuomo, obviously,” she said.

The latest revelations involving elder Cuomo, 63, came after another former aide, Lindsey Boylan, accused him of sexual harassment.
