Washington Football Team Owner Dan Snyder is calling one of the team’s minority owners … saying the guy is extorting him in the hope that Snyder will get rid of the NFL franchise.
Snyder filed a statement stating Dwight Schar, part of the team owned group, has threatened to leak information related to allegations of sexual misconduct made by former WFT employees.
In documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, Snyder says Schar is well aware that an independent investigation has found no evidence of irregularities – however, he says Schar has repeatedly leaked information about the case to the Washington Post and other media in an attempt to defame him.
As for the extortion allegation, Snyder claims that Schar told Snyder’s lawyer that he had a bomb that would “kill Dan” if it were released … and added that he would release it if Snyder did not “just sell the team”.
According to the documents, Schar also included the investment banker for minority owners of the WFT. Snyder states that that guy texted him: “You know what I know and what I never talked about … If you want to like ** t show, we’ll do it too.”
As we reported, Snyder has long suspected that someone is leaking stories harmful to multiple sites to discredit him – but until now he had not named names publicly, not even in court.
Snyder’s statement puts everything open – he is in a civil war with his team members. A little history … these minority owners cannot get the full value of their investment unless Snyder, the majority owner, agrees to sell. Snyder is certainly implying that this is Schar’s motive.
As Snyder says in the documents: “I am fighting on several fronts for interests that go beyond me, including the team I love, as well as my family, and I can swear to this Court that the accusations to which I improperly leaked information to the press are false. “